Adoptium Logo Styleguide

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This page contains the logos of the Eclipse Adoptium top-level project and all projects of Adoptium.

Eclipse Adoptium

The logo of Adoptium can be used in landscape and portrait mode.

Adoptium logo in landscape and portrait mode

None of the 2 is preferred and you should always use the one that fits best to the given layout.

Color Variants

Next to the landscape and portrait mode the logo is provided in 3 different color variants: coloured, grayscale, black&white. For each of the variants you can find different versions to use the logo always with a good contrast to the background.

Adoptium logo color variants

Logo Download

You can download the logo in all available variants as PNG images with transparent background here.

Temurin by Adoptium

For the Temurin project we provide an official logo, too. The logo is based on the general layout and style that is used for all logos of project of the Adoptium working group. Like the Adoptium logo the Temurin logo can be used in landscape and portrait mode:

Temurin logo in landscape and portrait mode

Color Variants

Next to the landscape and portrait mode the logo is provided in 3 different color variants: coloured, grayscale, black&white. For each of the variants you can find different versions to use the logo always with a good contrast to the background.

Logo Download

You can download the logo in all available variants as PNG images with transparent background here.

AQAvit by Adoptium

For the AQAvit project we provide an official logo, too. The logo is based on the general layout and style that is used for all logos of project of the Adoptium working group. Like the Adoptium logo the AQAvit logo can be used in landscape and portrait mode:

AQAvit logo in landscape and portrait mode

Color Variants

Next to the landscape and portrait mode the logo is provided in 3 different color variants: coloured, grayscale, black&white. For each of the variants you can find different versions to use the logo always with a good contrast to the background.

Logo Download

You can download the logo in all available variants as PNG images with transparent background here.

Mission Control by Adoptium

AQAvit logo in landscape and portrait mode

You can download the logo in all available variants as PNG images with transparent background here.

Auteurs de la documentation
  • hendrikebbers
  •  gdams
  •  PrajwalBorkar
  •  Ndacyayisenga-droid
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